City Council
By its Charter, the City of Rogers City is a "Home Rule" city. Unless reserved by the State of Michigan, all statutory powers of a "Home Rule" City are vested in the elected City Council.
Also, the City Charter establishes for Rogers City a "Council-Manager" form of government. The Council-Manager form of government distinguishes policy from administration. Policy includes the rules, ordinances, level of taxation, and fees for City services. The City Council is responsible for making policy and for tasking the City Manager to administer, or to carry out, policy.
The Council sets policy on behalf of the citizens. In addition to approving ordinances, policies, and the annual budget, City Council adopts goals. Recently, the Council approved an updated set of goals. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions concerning the City Council's Goals, please communicate them to City Hall. The City Manager or City Clerk/Treasurer.
The members of Council are accountable to the public. The "Open Meetings Act" requires Council to conduct all deliberations during properly posted public meetings. Council meetings are the key to local government. At these meetings, members of the public may listen and offer comments--to speak your mind. Also, a public record (minutes) of the meeting is created and kept for posterity. Council members must act as a body--not as individuals-- when making policy. The purpose of City Council is to provide for the best interest of the City as a whole. Often this requires balancing the rights of individuals with the public peace, health, and for the safety of persons and property.
Another important responsibility of Council is to appoint a City Manager, a Clerk/Treasurer, and an Attorney to advise Council, to carry out Council direction, and to run the day-to-day operation of government.
Also, the City Charter establishes for Rogers City a "Council-Manager" form of government. The Council-Manager form of government distinguishes policy from administration. Policy includes the rules, ordinances, level of taxation, and fees for City services. The City Council is responsible for making policy and for tasking the City Manager to administer, or to carry out, policy.
The Council sets policy on behalf of the citizens. In addition to approving ordinances, policies, and the annual budget, City Council adopts goals. Recently, the Council approved an updated set of goals. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions concerning the City Council's Goals, please communicate them to City Hall. The City Manager or City Clerk/Treasurer.
The members of Council are accountable to the public. The "Open Meetings Act" requires Council to conduct all deliberations during properly posted public meetings. Council meetings are the key to local government. At these meetings, members of the public may listen and offer comments--to speak your mind. Also, a public record (minutes) of the meeting is created and kept for posterity. Council members must act as a body--not as individuals-- when making policy. The purpose of City Council is to provide for the best interest of the City as a whole. Often this requires balancing the rights of individuals with the public peace, health, and for the safety of persons and property.
Another important responsibility of Council is to appoint a City Manager, a Clerk/Treasurer, and an Attorney to advise Council, to carry out Council direction, and to run the day-to-day operation of government.
Meeting Times and Locations
City Council meetings are normally at 6:00 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month at City Hall. Current Council Members